Save the date for the Annual picnic at the Sunday,August 18, 2019 meeting.
11:00 arrival, lunch at 12:00 Noon
All members welcome!!!!
This is a picnic potluck,made possible by generous members who donate homemade side dishes and desserts to accompany the grilled meats.The club sponsors grilled bratwurst and hot dogs,plus cold summertime drinks. Grilling is done on-site. Seating & buffet indoors.
Please bring food by 11:30.
As we did last year, we will offer special games and activities for children!
Donauschwaben Hall
625 Seegers Road,
Des Plaines
Please contact Vicky Stumpf by August 9
if you would like to attend, to help us coordinate the menu
and project an accurate headcount. 630-852-4115
